Conferences, hybrid conferences, virtual conferences
There are various options available to organize a conference even at the present time. These can be different discovery centers, exhibition halls, museums or conference hotels. The main criteria include number of participants, format of the event and location.
In addition to all aspects regarding organizing the event, the list now also includes the safety of the participants and organizers, in order to protect everybody from the potential spread of the viruses. The opportunity to keep the required distance must be guaranteed from the moment of arrival to the conference hall itself and during the breaks. However, keeping the required distance does not have to be managed merely by strict signs and posters. Necessary measures can be implemented as part of the interior design that at the same time would support the content of the event, be playful and comfortable to follow for the participants. Regardless of the travel restrictions it is possible to include international speakers through video bridges. Thus, we can still offer diverse and engaging program for the participants.

Hybrid conference allows us more opportunities to reach a wider audience, to achieve greater influence and to include different partners. Hybrid conference format allows us to include participants, speakers and partners from different countries who can participate interactively in the events of interest without leaving their home or office.
It is a format where some of the participants are present at the conference hall while others participate through online video broadcasting. Both parties can be offered equal opportunities to participate in the conference, whether including the participants when conducting a poll, asking questions and raising topics for the speakers before and during the event, meetings and discussions between participants, poster presentations, setting up partner exhibitions or entertaining and educational event engagement breaks. Those following through the webcast can choose between different sessions. There are also applications where the participant will enter the webcast as if going into a real conference center, where it is possible to see different conference halls, information desk and exhibition and/ or poster area. Such interactive environments offer an important contribution for involving the participants.
Virtual conferences are a field that develops constantly and offers new opportunities at every turn. In addition to greater visibility offered by this format, it is especially important to think about involving the participants. For a conference room it is possible to use already existing options, for example, the Creative Hub, the Proto Invention Factory or the hotel conference centers.
Similarly, to the hybrid conference the format the virtual conference places greater demands on the program and its structure. It has been confirmed that the presentations should rather be short, speakers and presentations diversified.
There are several additional options for involving the participants starting from polls to adding entertaining and educational pieces. These can be anything from mini concerts to a yoga lesson, a folk cuisine class, or presenting interesting facts from our culture. It is important to help the participants to follow the webcast and offer them a gripping program. Also, with this format the borders nor the situation in the country are of any consequence.
The speakers and participants alike have access to the conference from the comfort of their own home, office or elsewhere.
In addition, with both conference formats it is possible to send before the event a small package as a gift to the participants, for example, with snacks and a small drink to be enjoyed during the webcasts.
Such full solutions offer our participants new and exciting experiences and thanks to that it is possible to transfer knowledge and fulfill the goals of the conference.