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Concept, solution, implementation


We all wish to organize events where we can offer our guests new knowledge and exciting experiences, while making them feel welcome and cared for. Also, as an organizer you should be able to take care of the speakers and invited guests during the event, and not worry about various details.


Using our expertise will allow you to focus on your work and the content of the event. Things that at first seem simple like sending out invitations, registering participants, finding suitable venues, choosing catering options, technical solutions, transportation, accommodation partners etc., require a lot of time and concentration. Using our previous experiences, we can choose the best solutions and partners for your event and budget.


The project manager is an important part of the organizing process who will monitor and lead all activities of the project, and is an important partner for you before, during and after the event – in stages of preparation, implementation and summaries.


Using a partner to organize the event will also give you a financial advantage. As a professional organizer we will help you write documentation needed for applying for funding and help determine suitable solutions for finding sponsors. 

Organizing one large event needs constant financial management and accounting. We will organize the invoicing and monitor the flow of cost and profit. Through regular reports you will be constantly updated about the financial situation of your project.


Coordinating registrations and communication with the delegates is a voluminous work worth the effort. Thorough preparation will make the arrival of delegates smoother and their stay onsite more comfortable, allowing to focus on the main program and enjoying the local experiences. 


Every conference also needs summarizing, thanking speakers and delegates, reporting to the partners and invoicing the suppliers. While we handle all these activities you can work on the content summaries and plan new activities.





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